Health and Fitness

Headache relief tricks – Home Remedies for instant relief

Home Remedies for Fast Headache Relief.

It is difficult to find a person who has not suffered from headaches. A severe headache creates a painful situation. But headache is not a disease, just a symptom. Headaches can usually be caused by sleep changes or lack of sleep, not eating on time, drinking less water, anxiety or stress. There are some home remedies, which can be used to cure headaches very quickly.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a common cause of headaches. So make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day. If the headache persists, drink a glass or two of cold water. It reduces headache quickly.

Take rest

If you experience a headache, try to rest in a quiet, dark room with your eyes closed. You will see that the headache subsides in no time.

Apply cold compress

Apply a cold compress to your forehead or the front of your head. It helps a lot in relieving headache.

Get heat therapy

Get heat therapy or use warm compresses. Dip a clean cloth in warm water and hold it over the eyes. It is better to take a bath in lukewarm water, especially if you have a headache due to tension, it works well.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory spice. Ginger chibule or ginger tea during headache relieves headache and even other pain.


The use of essential oils like lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus etc. is very helpful in relieving headaches. Use them if possible or diffuse their fragrance into the air around you.

Note, if your headache is severe and lasts for a long time or if the headache is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor without delay for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Tags: how to stop headache immediately at home, headache relief tricks, how to get rid of a headache in 2 minutes, 5 tips for instant migraine relief, how do you get rid of a headache in 10 seconds, how to get rid of a headache in 5 seconds, headache treatment at home, headache remedy food, how to stop headache immediately at home, 5 tips for instant migraine relief, how do you get rid of a headache in 10 seconds, how to get rid of a headache in 2 minutes, how to get rid of a headache in 5 seconds, headache relief tricks pressure points, how to relieve tension headache, headache remedy food

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